Utthan project in is being implanted in 75 gram panchayats of Fatehpur, Hamirpur, Jalaun, Banda and Kanpur Dehat districts for addressing the themes like women empowerment, self help, local self governance and policy advocacy. The project is targeted at marginalised women, small and marginal farmers and panchayat members and is supported by the Department for International Development (DFID), UK, through Poorest Area Civil Society (PACS) Programme and PricewaterhouseCoopers Pvt. Ltd.
The objectives of the project are:
- Provide information to the disadvantaged sections of the community, particularly women, about their rights for enabling them to reach the resources, especially natural ones
- Empower panchayats and community, especially women, for effective local self governance
- Advocate for special livelihood package for ravine areas
In a nutshell, the activities of the project are:
- Capacity building of project team and partners
- Baseline survey
- Theme camps at village level for awareness generation
- Formation and strengthening of women SHGs
- Capacity building of panchayati raj institutions with government programme
- Study and field demonstration of dry land farming practice in each district
- Training and field demonstration on dry land farming and livestock management for village level changes agents and SHG members
- Study to develop livelihood package for ravine areas
- Adoption of improved farming practise by small and marginal farmers
- Sensitisation workshop for kshettra and zilla panchayat members and block, district and state level officials on the problems of ravine areas
- District and state level advocacy seminar for a livelihood package for ravine areas
Almost all the activities have been organised with varying degrees of success.
For Completed Projects, click appropriate links:
Swashakti Project
STEP Project |

(Top) A view of public hearing as a part of Utthan Project and (bottom) peer learning workshop in progress
