The project aims at making signification impact on women in traditional sectors by upgrading their skills in viable groups and providing employment by arranging productive assets creation, backward and forward linkage, improving/ arranging support service, providing access to credit facilities, awareness generation, gender sensitisation, nutrition and education .
A carpet weaving training project was sanctioned as a part of STEP project by the Department of Women and Child Development, Ministry of Human Resource development, for training of 100 socio-economically weaker sections of the community for a period of three year from April 2002. The training covered 40 villages in Fatehpur Chaursi, Safipur, Miyaganj, Nawabganj and Bangarmau blocks of Unnao district on the following basis:
- Villages where people are involved/interested in craft works
- Villages where majority of people are from socio-economic backward section of the community
- Villages where community is ready to take up this craft their main source of income
To project sought to organise women in small viable groups and train them for improving their skills and make them self-reliant through income generation activities by providing training on carpet weaving and thereby the improving the quality of their lives through greater access to and control over resources.
Beneficiaries of the programme were economically weak SC/OBC women in the age group of 15-35 years. They were allowed to take advantage of health, nutrition, child health, non-formal education and legal literacy activities run by the organisation.
During the project period, loom installation, skill development on carpet weaving, awareness creation, group formation, etc., were done successfully. Beneficiaries of each training centre produced more than two carpets themselves. As such they are now able to weave the carpets independently with simple techniques but they are gradually learning the tricks of complex design weaving. Beneficiaries of previous phase of the project are now able to earn an average income of Rs 500-600 per month. |