Public High School Unnao
NPSS is running a Public High School at Takiya Nigohi village of Fatehpur Chaurasi block of Unnao district. The school has a total number of 615 students from nursery to 10th standard at its roll. The students are enrolled in this school hail from rural areas of Fatehpur Charusai, Safipur, Miyaganj and Bangarmau blocks of Unnao district. A glance at literacy rate/education status and many developmental works of Fatehpur Chaurasi block bears testimony to the success of this School.
Rural Residential School
In order to provide educational facilities to children of socially weaker sections of community a residential school is also being run at Fatehpur Chaurasi block of Unnao district. In this school about 100 Scheduled Castes/Tribes students are studying. The children are provided residential facilities, nutrition and regular health checkups, etc. They are engaged in activities like sports, yoga, scouting and cultural programmes.
Girls Hostel
NPSS runs a girls hostel for 50 girl students from Scheduled Castes/Tribes and Other Backward Classes category at Takia Nigohi in Fatehpur Chaurasi block of Unnao district. Girls studying in classes VI to X in Public High School Unnao reside in the hostel. These girls are from 18 remote villages of Unnao district. Apart from formal education, girls are also give inputs on leadership, decision making, communication skills, and women rights and laws for women.
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(Top) Children gather at a function at the NPSS school and (bottom) a government official on visit to the school interacting with children
