Ravine Stabilisation Project was implemented with support from the European Commission with the partnership of Uttar Pradesh Land Development Corporation in 13 ravine infested villages of Rajpur and Amrodha blocks of Kanpur Dehat district. NPSS provided software component in the project and supported the activities of the four government deportments, viz., Agriculture Department, Forest Deportment, Horticulture Department and Animal Husbandry Department.
Under the project, Village Resource Management Committees and Women SHGs were formed. These actively participated in the planning, implementation, monitoring and audit of the project activities.
Multi-tiered training for capacity building were organised for the project staff as well as the community. Senior project functionaries like District Coordinator were trained at the UPLDC. Village level management workshop was organised for building capacity of Village Resource Management Committee members. Training on gender sensitisation, women empowerment and health were organised by Sutra, an organisation based in Himachal Pradesh.
Thirty-three women self groups have been formed in the project area. These groups are more interested in goat keeping.
A social audit workshop of five villages, beneficiaries of executing departments and WSHGs was held. |

A view of land degraded by ravines |